Utilities ...

We help utilities onboard their EV proposition

With the EV market expanding rapidly, utilities and energy companies face new challenges as day-to-day operations no longer align with the longer-term strategy. At the same time, many opportunities lie ahead as new markets emerge. TandemDrive will seamlessly embed EV proposition into your organization.

Challenging times? We've got you covered


Introducing dynamic energy prices for consumers

TandemDrive seamlessly integrates with energy markets and financial systems to access and incorporate accurate real-time energy pricing information.


Network congestion and potential solutions by utilities

TandemDrive enables the offering of adaptive charging plans that consider network congestion, encouraging users to choose less congested times for charging.


Integration into the use of energy in households

At TandemDrive we facilitate offering time-of-use programs that provide discounted rates for EV charging during specific times, promoting cost-effective home charging.

We make sure that you are ready to integrate dynamic pricing home charging propositions in your offer towards customers. Whether it is related to stimulating on and off peak charging to reduce grid impact, smart charging based on the availability of solar or wind energy and actual APX/EPEX spot prices.

TandemDrive monitors your revenues and notifies you when you're reaching negative impacts. And do your customers travel abroad during the holiday season? International sessions are quickly processed because our software converts foreign currencies to euros accurately. The automated invoice check feature immediately validates incoming charging costs with the agreed CPO pricing.

Your partner ...

At TandemDrive, we're more than just software providers

Your partners in navigating the dynamic landscape of EV charging. Our focus on financial transactions enables you to scale your business while our solutions drive your EV-charging.

Are you ready for tomorrow?